Monument, CO
7:09 am4:39 pm MST
Feels like: 18°F
Wind: 9mph SSW
Humidity: 50%
Pressure: 29.85"Hg
UV index: 0
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50°F / 34°F
46°F / 23°F
46°F / 30°F
48°F / 21°F
48°F / 28°F
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Join Us:  If you have a heart for service and fellowship, you can join our great club.  Learn more at  We meet Saturdays at 8:00-9:30am at the D38 Administration Building, called “Big Red,” on Jefferson and 2nd Streets in Monument.  Come witness the fellowship and camaraderie…no invitation required.  See for yourself what personal fulfillment looks, sounds, and feels like.

Monument Hill Kiwanis – Service Since 1974

Making a Difference for Youth and Our Community

Independence Day Parade:  The registration window for the Monument Hill Kiwanis 4th of July Parade will open in early May.

Each year, the Club organizes and operates a 100+ unit parade through downtown Monument with over 15,000 spectators.  Your organization, club, or business can participate in what has been called “the biggest small-town parade in America.”

This year’s parade theme is “The Greatest Generation – Honoring our WWII Veterans.”  Our theme honors all those who served our nation, at home and abroad, at a time of great risk to the future of the world.  We honor them with our parade because their effort, in the face of great personal sacrifice, protected our nation—and the world—from the threat of a ruthless government and a future without democracy.  We honor them for the independence and liberty they helped to preserve so that we may celebrate a brighter future.

  • For the Children’s Parade only, there is no entry fee/registration. All children are welcomed, and parents may accompany their children. Motorized bikes, scooters, etc. are not allowed.
  • For the Main Parade, there is a registration fee of $65 to help offset the cost of the parade. Bands, veteran’s & military groups, 1st responders, & school groups are exempt from the fee.
  • Parade information, rules, & registration are available at


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