Targeted Advertising
Are you interested in Targeted Advertising in Monument, Colorado and northern El Paso County? Our Neighborhood Newsletters serve the exclusive Northern El Paso County neighborhoods of Kings Deer, Northgate/Flying Horse, Jackson Creek and Woodmoor. Advertise in Monument, Colorado to reach some of the county’s most exclusive homeowners.
You may choose to advertise in one, two, three, or all four neighborhoods. By participating as an advertiser in our homeowner-driven publications, you align your brand, company name, logo and message within a specific neighborhood. Become a familiar, comfortable and relevant part of the community life of the neighborhood.
See our Deadlines and Rates below for more details. To get in on the next issue, call Michelle Barrette at 719-484-0384 or email at michelle@barrettegraphics.

Ad Design
We can create your ad using materials you supply, or accept a camera-ready (which means designed and ready to print exactly as you provide it) file from you.
When creating your ad, include a headline and body copy, a logo or business name, contact info, and ideally a graphic or photo.
If you’re unable to provide your ad camera-ready, we can design one for you. Simply provide us with the items mentioned above. There is no additional charge for our design services, and as such, our designs may not be used in any other publication. We pride ourselves in creating vivid, beautiful and compelling ads for our advertisers so please feel free to leverage our talent and experience!
Business Card Directory
We have a new Business Card Directory option! Complete this form to receive instructions on uploading your business card to be included in our new directory. This affordable option enables you to get your brand and contact info out to thousands of Monument, Colorado and Northern El Paso County, Colorado homes at $35 per newsletter per month.
Please have your ads emailed to us, or designs approved, by the 15th (i.e. by January 15th for “Feb.” issue; by February 15th for the “Mar.” issue, etc.) to
Publications are delivered by mail and emailed to subscribers on the last Saturday of each month.


King’s Deer
2,000 Homes

Northgate & Flying Horse
2,400 Homes

Jackson Creek
2,700 Homes

3,100 Homes
Total Neighborhood Newsletter distribution to 4 areas: 10,200 residences
With area population exploding, reaching every household every month is cost prohibitive. The newsletters are mailed alternately to two zones within each neighborhood. Zone I (Jan, Mar, May, July, Sept, Nov); Zone II (Feb, April, June, August, October, December). Although you will receive the printed version in your mail zone 6 times a year (every other month), our website is updated monthly and allows you access to the current issue 24/7. We can even email you a reminder every month when the new issue is available online – Subscribe Here for Free!

* Rates are per neighborhood newsletter
Ask about discounts when publishing in 3 or 4 neighborhoods!
1/8 Page
3 5/8″ x 2 5/8″ – $55 / month / neighborhood
1/4 Page
3 5/8″ x 5″ – $85 / month / neighborhood
1/2 Page
7.5″ x 5″ – $150 / month / neighborhood
Full Page
7.5″ x 10.5″ – $220 / month / neighborhood
Full Page Insert
Full Page Insert – Customer supplies copies – $125 / month / neighborhood
Business Card Directory
Business Card Listing – Customer supplies image – $35 / month
Newsletter Neighborhood Distribution
* Clicking on the map pins will show approximate boundary maps – please contact Michelle for details. Businesses throughout northern El Paso County use the Barrette Graphics Neighborhood Newsletters to advertise in Monument, Northgate, Flying Horse, and Kings Deer areas.