About Barrette Graphics Publisher
Now celebrating over 22 years of publishing in Monument and Colorado Springs, each issue features events and community information, and local business promotions, all arranged in a unique, concise, and easy-to-read format.

Michelle Barrette formed Barrette Graphics in 2002, and she still operates it today! Michelle’s background in marketing and print-advertising provides sponsorship advertising in the four neighborhood newsletters she publishes. The newsletters serve four exclusive communities of Northern El Paso County — King’s Deer, Northgate/Flying Horse, Jackson Creek and Woodmoor.
The newsletters provide a link between the neighborhood residents and the businesses that serve them.

…enjoy reading it, and use the newsletter as a resource tool to see what products and services are available from local businesses, and what events are coming up that they’d like to attend, and enjoy the other community information within.

…advertise because it is a unique and well-read publication with longevity…the first issue rolled out in September 2002, and has been reaching more and more Monument and North Colorado Springs residents ever since.